Counties Industrial Coatings is a leading applicator of high quality protective coatings for NZ construction and offshore steel work projects.
We Operate a Garnet Blasting Booth 20m Long x 15m wide, processing approximately 10 ton of steel daily.
Our factory has a 10 ton Gantry Crane for efficient movement and loading of steel.
We can also provide Zinc Wire Metal Spray application (equivalent to galvanizing) with our Arc Spray 701 machine.
This application is an industrial strength metal coating protection of important surfaces from weather and corrosion for long lasting results
We offer a wide range of high quality urethane topcoats, epoxy primers, plus high build and epoxy topcoats from the leading brands such as Altex Coatings Ltd. International Paints Ltd, Resene, Dulux & Wattyl for both the industrial and architectural markets.
With so many paint products available for steel work (interior, exterior, coastal, inland, food grade etc) we can provide the right paint system for the job. We keep up-to-date with latest technologies in products and work with paint inspectors to provide Quality assurance and Technical support on their products. Quality assurance documentation (QAs) can be supplied on request for any Structural Steel regardless of size.
The following projects have been recently completed by Counties Industrial Coatings.
Great North Rd Cycle Bridge
A new cycle/walk bridge in Auckland city is up and running linking the old Nelson St off ramp down to Canada Street. It is a great step in making Auckland easier to get around and safer for commuting to work. It is all part of a large scale route that will eventually link together a large part of the city.
Counties Industrial Coatings applied a Zinc Wire Metal Spray and two coat protective paint system with a gloss black finish to the 100+ meter walk way and handrails.
Auckland North shore hospital walk bridge
A new venture for us was applying Wattyl protective paints to complete the North Shore Hospital walk bridge. The 120 meter bridge connects one section of the hospital to the opposing side; over top of the both the car park and road.
Paper Bag Factory
We have completed a large new building for the processing of paper bags. We applied a full 3x coat painting system for external exposed steel and a 2x coat system for internal steelwork, Both finished in a high performance gloss blue.
Contact Us
Ph: (09) 2388950
Fax: (09) 2388194
Business Hours:
Mon-Fri 7-5pm
Sat 8-12pm
Our Location
19 Subway Road
Pukekohe 2120